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De-Stress Your Way to Success with Courtney Carver

Courtney Carver

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Listen to Courtney Carver and you will soon find yourself believing what her experience shows to be true: If you take a little time for yourself every day, and experiment with some of her “soulful simplicity” tips, you will feel more relaxed—and be more effective at whatever you do.

+ Join Courtney on Tuesday, April 30th @ 12:00pm CDT for a live video Q&A! Like our new Facebook page to learn more.


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Buy Carver’s book, Soulful Simplicity, on

COURTNEY CARVER changed her life by simplifying it after a devastating diagnosis in 2006. She’s the founder of and minimalist fashion challenge Project 333. In her latest book, Soulful Simplicity, published by Tarcher/Perigee—a division of Penguin Random House, Carver shows us the power of simplicity to improve our health, build more meaningful relationships, and relieve stress in our professional and personal lives.

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