Alice Rutkowski
ALICE RUTKOWSKI is a vice president at SAGIN, where she serves nationally as executive communications coach. Rutkowski joined SAGIN with more than thirty years of experience in both the corporate world and consulting practices. She is known for specialized, non-verbal communication coaching that sets her apart in the field of executive communications. With expertise in advising senior-level executives across industries and venues, Rutkowski has coached thousands of executives, sales professionals, and customer service agents. Previously, she served as master coach at a highly regarded New York communications firm. Rutkowski has also consulted and coached at numerous global asset firms, airlines, media, entertainment, and high-end customer service organizations. She was recruited to the business sector after serving as principal advisor in several master’s and doctoral degree programs. Recently a published author, she wrote about her travel experiences in Exit 8A: Tales of a New York Commuter, published by Next Century Publishing. Rutkowski is a highly sought-after presenter known for her warmth and humor, which reveal just how much she loves people. @exit8aalice