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Catherine Kaputa

2018 Speaker

CATHERINE KAPUTA is a brand strategist, speaker, author, and founder of SelfBrand, a New York City-based personal branding company – From Madison Avenue, to Wall Street, to the halls of academia, Kaputa perfected her ability to market products, places, and companies. She led the award-winning “I Love NY” campaign, and for over ten years she was SVP, director of advertising and community affairs at Citi Smith Barney, and she taught a branding course at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Kaputa came to appreciate that one of the most important applications for branding is not for products — it’s for individuals to define and own their career identity and create their own performance success. That’s why she wrote the award-winning book, You Are a BRAND!, winner of the Ben Franklin award for Best Career Book, and a Top 10 Business Book in China. Because female leadership is a passion, she wrote, Women Who Brand. Her book on brand building for entrepreneurs is Breakthrough Branding, winner of the Silver Medal in the Book of the Year Awards, Business category. Her latest book is Graduate to a Great Career, for students and young professionals. @catherinekaputa