Cynthia Ackrill, M.D.
Cynthia Ackrill, M.D. is a leader in the field of leveraging stress for optimal productivity, health and happiness. She addresses the critical relationship between lifestyle choices, performance capacities and leadership effectiveness. Ackrill teaches and leads workshops to reduce the waste of human capital, health, happiness and profits lost to stress and ineffective leadership. She continues one-on-one and team coaching to create realistic stress strategies to advance performance and leadership goals Fascinated by how humans struggle with behavior choice and change, she became certified in wellness coaching and leadership coaching. Currently she heads the Workplace Stress board of the American Institute of Stress and is on the faculty of Kent State Institute for Excellence, Federal Leadership School, Davidson Centre for the Professions, Physicians Leadership Institute and The Healthcare Coaching Institute. She also contributes widely as a stress and behavior change expert to a range of media, including “Katie Couric,” “The Today Show,” The Huffington Post and multiple print venues. Ackrill earned her B.S. at Duke University and M.D. At the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and practiced primary care medicine for over a decade. She then spent another 10 years studying brain mapping, neurofeedback and biofeedback for a variety of mood and behavior challenges, including stress.@cackrill