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Fara Howard

2024 Speaker
Fara Howard

Panelist | AI: Shaping the Future of Work

FARA HOWARD joined GoDaddy most recently from Amazon Fashion where she led marketing for the US business. Prior to Amazon, Howard was the global head of marketing at Vans and had the honor of bringing their brand to life for their 50th Anniversary. Her career also includes over a decade at Dell, including leading North America consumer and small business marketing and establishing Dell’s in-house digital agency. She started her marketing career at Gatorade, which taught her the importance of intimately knowing your customer. She remains steadfast that marketing’s primary role is to understand and advocate for the customer. Howard received her MBA at the University of Michigan – Go Blue! She met her husband there as well so Ann Arbor holds a special place in her heart. Outside of the office, Howard is an avid athlete and loves doing anything outdoors, particularly if it involves her husband and three ridiculously active boys.