Jennifer Dooling
Host | Human-Centered Leadership in Rapidly Evolving Workplaces
JENNIFER DOOLING is a market executive for a commercial banking team in South Central Texas, Waco to Laredo. Dooling sees the endless opportunities to help commercial clients grow their companies to achieve dreams and goals. She brings ideas, energy and a wealth of teammates along on the journey in the local communicates. She is passionate about teaching new things, sharing ideas and listening for understanding. Dooling knows firsthand the struggles and hard decisions business owners face each day. She was fortunate to grow up in a household of a small business owner, grandfather and father. She heard the late night whispered conversations when things were hard and saw the time sacrifices her father made. She learned the importance of a strong banking relationship. Her goal is to lead a team of bankers who understand a client’s business and care deeply enough to share new ideas and have hard conversations.