Josh Levs
JOSH LEVS is an investigative journalist and father of three who has long covered the health of American businesses and the economy. His new book, winning raves from business leaders and many others, is titled “All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families, and Businesses–And How We Can Fix It Together.” New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow called it “fantastic;” the Washington Post’s Brigid Schulte called it a “must read” and the Chicago Tribune called the book “fascinating.” He has been covered by the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and more. It “should be mandatory reading for every CEO, HR, benefits and similar professional. Groundbreaking,” one CEO wrote. What began as an exploration of modern parenthood in the workplace, with a focus on the untold story of fathers, quickly became a powerful business guide, showing how adapting new structures for the modern era is key to beating the competition. @joshlevs