Kim Read

KIM READ is the vice president of operations for RetailMeNot, Inc. In this role, she is responsible for the content management, optimization, merchandising and customer support for Read started her career in marketing, focusing on search engine optimization, paid search marketing, affiliate marketing and lead generation for national retailers and ecommerce businesses. It was as the head of search marketing for LinkShare that she discovered her passion for building, developing and optimizing teams and talent. That passion led her to move over to the operations side, taking over the RMN Operations team in early 2012 and adding the site merchandising team to her scope of responsibility in 2013. Since then the team has supported the business through tremendous growth and change, requiring the continuous evaluation of the operational effectiveness of running the business. Prior to the business world, Read graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in advertising and a minor in business. Since then she has continued management studies through the University of South Florida and Acton School of Business’s Emergent Execs program. @retailmenot