Patti Rogers
Patti Rogers endured the unexpected challenge and blessing of breast cancer in 2008. While witnessing a swell of selflessness from friends, family and community rallying around her, inspiration struck. Turns out, even a love mission needs a project manager.While her help-patrol never admitted it to her, it was a lot work. They explored the tools available at the time to try to share a food delivery calendar and send out updates. But unfortunately, from a technology standpoint, it was one depressing, frustrating, awkward and inefficient experience. Patti states that cancer did not change her life for the better, but the kindness of her community did. So as her health restored and perspective rolled in, her new purpose formed: to create an easy way for groups (friends, family and community members) to come together and do something good. To create an easy way to get involved, divvy-up tasks, stay informed and share the love. The idea of Rallyhood was born.