Vanessa Wilson

Vanessa Wilson
Vanessa Wilson is the founder and proprietor of Crafty Gemini,LLC, a sewing, quilting, crafting and cooking tutorial website that showcases her many talents. Wilson is a wife, mother, law professor, quilt and pattern designer, long arm quilter and YouTube partner, among other things. She was recently selected to be a part of YouTube’s Next Up initiative which is helping rising online video stars maximize their potential. In the past 18 months, Wilson’s video tutorials have been viewed almost one million times. The ability to intertwine all of her business interests have allowed Wilson to experience exponential growth in her pattern sales, web traffic and advertising payouts from Google in the past year and a half.  That exponential growth continues daily as Wilson shares her story and passion for creating her own career with others. Wilson and her husband live in Gainesville, FL with their 22 month old son and baby girl.